On November 11th-12th, 2020, at 10:00,
State Institution of Higher Education "University of Educational Management"
(52 A, Sichovykh Striltsiv Str., Kyiv) hosts
The purpose of the Conference is to present and test the results of scientific research and practical experience of professional development of specialists in the context of digitized society.
Participation is open for scientific-pedagogical and pedagogical personnel of educational institutions, scientists, doctoral and post-graduate students.
Official languages of the Conference: Ukrainian, English.
Institutional Organizers: National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine, State Institution of Higher Education "University of Educational Management", Jan Dlugosz University of Humanities and Natural Sciences in Czestochowa (Republic of Poland), University of Occupational Safety Management in Katowice (Republic of Poland), Institute of Economics, Paata Gugushvili Tbilisi State University (Georgia), Harding Christian University (Searcy, AR, USA), State Scientific Institution "Institute of Education Content Modernization" of MES of Ukraine.
The rich content of the conference program includes a plenary session and the work of image public sections with topical issues:
Section 1. Managing professional development of specialists in the digital space of formal and non-formal education:
- Educational technopark in innovative management of education quality.
- Methodological principles of managing continuous professional development of specialists in the conditions of open postgraduate education and distance learning.
- Local and foreign experience of professional development of specialists in formal and non-formal open postgraduate education.
- Quality management of professional development of specialists in the digital space of formal and non-formal education.
Section 2. Training and professional development of specialists in the digital duplicate of an educational institution:
- Modern technologies for distance learning.
- Digital competence of the teacher: means of formation and development.
- Web tools to launch and support distance learning.
- Digital twin of an educational institution as a solution to innovative educational problems.
- Digital presentation of the functionality of the educational institution.
- Educational management software as a basis for the formation of the digital twin of an educational institution.
Section 3. Psychological safety for participants of the educational process in digital educational environment:
- Information and psychological safety of an individual: current challenges.
- Psychological aspect of interaction in the digital educational environment.
- Factors of psychological safety for participants of the educational process in digital educational environment.
- Training participants of the educational process to create and maintain psychologically safe digital educational environment.
Section 4. Training of socio-political profile managers in the context of digitized society: humanistic aspect:
- Trends, risks and determinants of socio-economic development of the organization in the digital age.
- Personal development and psychological assistance under current conditions.
- Training of competitive specialists in the conditions of educational changes:
- formation of a project management and public administration system at the present stage of state formation;
- special education, inclusive education: problems and prospects;
- current trends in educational institutions management.
Section 5. Development of Soft Skills of teachers of institutions of vocational, professional pre-higher and higher education in the conditions of digitalization:
- SoftSkills as an educational trend and a necessary component of professional development of an innovative teacher of vocational, professional pre-higher and higher education.
- SoftSkills and/or HardSkills of a teacher of vocational, professional pre-higher and higher education in the conditions of a digital society.
- SoftSkills models of a teacher of vocational, professional pre-higher and higher education institutions: competencies, values, "behavioral indicators", results.
- How to promote developing SoftSkills of a teacher of vocational, professional pre-higher and higher education in the system of continuing education.
- Competency-based development of professional profiles of teachers of vocational, professional pre-higher and higher education institutions taking into account social and educational challenges, labor market requirements.
- Monitoring the quality of teacher training in vocational, professional pre-higher and higher education institutions in the context of interaction with employers and key stakeholders.
Scientific platform of the conference is a unique place for creative cooperation, fruitful scientific, educational and social partnership of representatives of various branches, for discussing and solving actual problems of postgraduate education development, formulating legislative proposals in the field of adult education, considering ways to establish and strengthen effective cooperation between scientists and practitioners.
Conference form: online format.
Forms of participation in the Сonference: 1) presenting scientific report at the plenary / section meetings; 2) participating in scientific panel discussion within the section meeting (scientific report speech); 3) listener (without a scientific report, preentation or scientific article publication).
Electronic Certificates of participation in the Conference and advanced training (in Ukrainian and English) will be issued based on the form of participation: speaker of the plenary / section meeting; participant of scientific panel discussion; participant-listener.
Registration is required! Please register: https://bit.ly/3lFYEcG (in Ukrainian); https://bit.ly/3DZ4kb9 (in English).
Conference calendar:
Submission of articles to the Program committee https://notso.easyscience.education/pddig/2021/ See the requirements for submission of scientific articles: http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-XXX/CEUR-Template-1col.docx | by September 20th, 2021 https://notso.easyscience.education/pddig/2021/ |
Article publication acceptance notice | by October 12th, 2021 |
Submission of corrected articles to the Program committee | by October 25th, 2021 https://notso.easyscience.education/pddig/2021/ |
Digital registration of participants | by November 7th, 2021 https://bit.ly/3lFYEcG
Dates of the Conference | November 11th-12th, 2021 |
Scientific articles of the Conference participants must be prepared in English or Ukrainian according the requirements for scientific publications (http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-XXX/CEUR-Template-1col.docx) and submitted by September 20, 2021 to Conference Program Committee (https://notso.easyscience.education/pddig/2021/).
Selected and peer-reviewed scientific articles of the Conference participants, submitted according the requirements, will be published in the Proceedings of the II Scientific and Practical Conference with International Participation "Professional Development in the Digitized Society: Current Trends" and other publications of SIHE “University of Educational Management”.
Program committee of the conference will provide support to the authors of peer-reviewed scientific articles prepared in English for publications in scientific journals indexed in international scientometric databases. In this case, there might be a need to refine the article and change the formatting as required by the publication.
Requirements for design and submission of scientific articles:Conference participants are invited to submit complete and original research articles (at least 10 pages), prepared in Ukrainian or English, including review, methodological, promising articles in thematic areas of the Conference via HotCRP (https://notso.easyscience.education/pddig/2021/) by September 20th, 2021.
The submitted articles will be reviewed by three members of the Program Committee based on the following criteria: technical quality, relevance, originality, relevance and clarity. If necessary, a fourth additional reviewer will be involved. The Program Committee uses these reviews to determine the articles that will be accepted for presentation at the Conference. The results of the review will be sent to the authors by e-mail together with the comments of the reviewers (if available).
Main requirements for the scientific article:Papers should be original and should not have been previously published or considered for publication during the evaluation for this conference. The verification process will be blind. Materials must be: a) correct and reasonable; b) original (not published elsewhere in part or in full and not submitted to other places for simultaneous consideration); c) presented at the Conference (at least one author of each article must be present at the conference); d) correspond to the subject of PDDig-2021. A maximum of two articles per author is accepted. There should not be more than five authors in one work. The number of references in the list of references should not be less than 10 and should include modern foreign research. Self-citation should not exceed 10%.
Authors are encouraged to contact the Publishing Ethics Committee (COPE) on all aspects of the ethics of publications (http://publicationethics.org/) and to adhere strictly to the ethical rules described at https://www.shs-conferences.org/about-the-journal/publishing-policies-ethics, in particular:
1) One study is not divided into several parts to increase the number of submitted materials, and it is eventually sent to different edited book projects or journals or to one journal (so-called "salami-publication").
2) No data was fabricated or manipulated (including images) to confirm the conclusions of the manuscript.
3) No data, text or theories of others are presented as if they belonged to the authors ("plagiarism"). Appropriate references to other works must be provided (this includes material that is carefully copied (almost verbatim), summarized and / or paraphrased), quotation marks are used to copy the material verbatim, and permission is granted for copyrighted material.
4) Consent to the submission was obtained from all co-authors and responsible persons of the institution (organization) where the work was performed before the submission of the article for publication.
5) The authors, whose names are mentioned in the material, have made a sufficient contribution to the scientific work, and therefore share the collective responsibility and responsibility for the results.
Procedure for submitting a scientific article:If you have never worked with HotCRP before, please create one by clicking the "Create an account" link in the login form (https://notso.easyscience.education/pddig/2021/newaccount). You will be prompted to enter your email address and click the "Create Account" button. HotCRP login instructions will be sent to your email. After completing the registration, you must log in and fill out your profile. Please list potential conflicts of interest - we use this information when appointing reviews. Using the link "New Submission" PDDig-2021, please fill out the forms according to the requirements of the instructions.
Financial basis of the conference: organizational fee (200 hryvnias) includes the costs of the scientific-practical conference, scientific editing of the electronic collection of conference materials (without the cost of publishing conference materials) and registration of Certificates of participants.
Current account for funds transfer:
State Institution of Higher Education "University of Education Management"
52-A, Sichovykh Striltsiv Str., Kyiv
account: 458201720313251001201018507
SCSU in Kyiv MFO 820172 USREOU code 35830447
Surname, name of the conference participant, telephone.
Type of payment - Participation in the scientific-practical conference 11-12.11.2021
Receipt of the registration fee payment must be sent to e-mail (nv-umo@ukr.net) with the participant’s name, for example: Petrenko Victor Ivanovich_Organization_fee_Conference. Conference participants who have paid the registration fee will be sent invitations and links to join the plenary and section meetings of the conference via nv-umo@ukr.net. Within 10 days after the conference, electronic Certificates of participation in the conference and advanced training (in Ukrainian and English) will be sent.
Venue of the Conference: State Institution of Higher Education "University of Educational Management", 52-A, Sichovykh Striltsiv Str., Kyiv, 04053, Ukraine.
Contacts in organizing and program committees:Oksana Kovtun, +380672533165, kovtun.oa71@gmail.com (Deputy Chairman of the Organizing Committee), Sergyi Semerikpv, semerikov@gmail.com (Deputy Chairman of the Program Committee), Olena Ostryanska, +380675844017 (Deputy Chairman of the Program Committee), Natalia Pinchuk, +380504403765 (Deputy Chairman of the Organizing Committee), Inna Otamas, +380972932930, nv-umo@ukr.net (Member of the Organizing Committee), Natalia Zernova, +380676563434 (Member of the Organizing Committee).
E-mail for correspondence: nv-umo@ukr.net
Conference links: 1) for registration of conference participants (https://bit.ly/3lFYEcG (in Ukrainian), https://bit.ly/3DZ4kb9 (in English)); 2) to submit scientific articles to the program committee (https://notso.easyscience.education/pddig/2021/); 3) to download the link with CEUR-WS template for MS Word for submission of a scientific article (http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-XXX/CEUR-Template-1col.docx); 4) an example of a scientific article (https://journal.kdpu.edu.ua/ped/article/view/3949/3971).
Conference website (https://aet.easyscience.education/2020/pddig2021.html) contains information about the event.
Check the details in Ukrainian and English posted on the website of SIHE "University of Education Management" (http://umo.edu.ua/en/university/ogoloshenya/zaproshujemo-naukovo-pedaghoghichnu-spiljnotu-do-uchasti-u-ii-naukovo-praktichnij-konferenciji-z-mizhnarodnoju-uchastju-profesijnij-rozvitok-v-umovakh-cifrovizaciji-suspiljstva-suchasni-trendi), (http://umo.edu.ua/konferencija-pddig-2021): announcement of the scientific event; information letter of the Conference; information on the members of Organizing and Program Committees; requirements for submitting scientific publications; samples of electronic Certificates of conference participants, presentation materials.