Central  Institute of Postgraduate Education (further – CIPE) is structure subdivision of State Higher Educational Institution of National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine, the leader and one of the oldest state higher educational institutions in education of adults in Ukraine with functions of All-Ukrainian educational and scientific and methodological centre of postgraduate education.

Mission of CIPE is in providing social and pedagogical requests and needs in  quality new professional level of pedagogical, scientific and pedagogical and leading personnel of education, public officers, able responsibly and efficiently to execute professional activity in conditions of high competition, instability and permanent changes in professional environment.

Aim of  CIPE – organization of continuous professional development of pedagogical, scientific and pedagogical and leading personnel of education, public officers according to modern social requests and requirements and individual needs of learners via different types, forms and innovation models of qualification improvement.

Licence of Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine: AE № 527858 since 05.01.2015