Mission of Department:qualificationimprovement administration, scientific and pedagogical, and pedagogical personnel of system of higher education, able efficiently realize state policy of innovation development of educational institutions and education systems, professionally realize administrative (manager) functions, assist personal and professional growth of scientific, pedagogical personnel and students (pupils)

Task of Department:

  • · Providing professional educational needs of administrative, scientific and pedagogical, and pedagogical personnel of system of higher education
  • · Introduction in educational process the study technologies, methods and methodologies, that provide  efficient study of adults
  • · Quality improvement personnel preparation for system of University education
  • · Scientific and expert, and information and consulting activity in system of qualification improvement of administration, scientific and pedagogical, pedagogical personnel of higher education


Main directions of educational and methodological work of Department:


  1. Working out and introduction study modules in daily and distant format by programs of qualification improvement administration, scientific and pedagogical, and pedagogical personnel by directions:
  • Introduction ideas of Bologna Process in system of higher education
  • Issues of reforming system of higher education
  • Business planning in system of University education
  • Marketing at higher educational institutions
  • Pedagogical estimation (mechanisms of estimation of educational results, competences of administrative, scientific and pedagogical, pedagogical personnel)
  • Decentralization administration of education
  • Competence approach for projecting educational programs
  • Forming system of administration education quality at education institution
  • Monitoring in education
  • Development of pedagogical mastery of heads and pedagogues
  • Working out of strategy of development higher education institutions
  1. 2. Consulting in issues:
  • Pedagogical estimation quality education
  • Introduction system of quality education administration
  • Realization analysis of effectiveness of state  education policy at institution level
  • Methodology of competence approach in education system
  •  Working out standard tests of educational achievements
  • Formation sociological set of instruments (applications)
  • Technology of organization and conducting monitoring researches of education quality
  1. 3. Rendering services:
  • Expert opinion quality of tests for study themes
  • Expert opinion of application set of instruments

Main scientific directions of activity of Department:

  • Theoretical and practical issues of qualification improvement of administration, scientific and pedagogical, pedagogical personnel on base of competence approach
  • Methodology of education of adults, administration and scientific and pedagogical personnel
  • Mechanisms and technologies of administration of education quality at different levels of functioning educational systems
  • Methodology of pedagogical estimation results of development of education systems and administration scientific and pedagogical, pedagogical personnel
  • World tendencies and peculiarities of preparation, re-training and qualification improvement administration scientific and pedagogical, and pedagogical personnel of Universities and higher educational institutions
  • Main directions and mechanisms of reforming system of qualification improvement administrative and pedagogical personnel of education institutions in context of European Integration and Bologna process

Theme of scientific and research work of Department: “Scientific Grounds of Administration of Higher Education Quality in Context of Law of Ukraine”

Directions of research:

  • Analysis of state of working out the issue of improvement postgraduate pedagogical education in Ukraine
  • Identification and grounds of organizational and methodological grounds of improvement postgraduate pedagogical education in Ukraine
  • Working out practical recommendations of improvement postgraduate pedagogical education in Ukraine