Aim and Tasks

Aim of Educational Department:

  • Organization of education process at CIPPE on basis of introduction the newest models of qualification improvement
  • Improvement main directions of development education process at CIPPE on basis of using modern approaches for postgraduate education


Principles, that provide dynamic development and functioning Educational Department, are:   prognostic orientation, systematization, continuity, scientism, individualization and differentiation of education organization etc.


Main Tasks of Department:


  • Providing organization educational process of preparation and qualification improvement of administrative, pedagogical,  and scientific and pedagogical workers and public officers according to modern requirements on grounds of andragogics, acmeology and competence approach
  • Improvement  and introduction the newest approaches for organization of education process
  •  Diversion forms and models of qualification improvement and providing their choice of consumers  of education services
  • Forming contingent of learners of courses of qualification improvement
  • Development of directions of qualification improvement of consumers of education services and postgraduate preparation of professionals  according to requests
  • Cooperation with Departments, Department of Organization of Educational Process and Monitoring, other structure subdivisions of Ukraine in issues of providing quality of educational process of preparation and qualification improvement
  • Learning and analysis native and foreign perspective experience in issues of organization of educational process in institutions of postgraduate pedagogical education and higher educational institutions etc.
  • Covering information and normative materials in issues of course qualification improvement  at site of University, in media, social nets etc.