Department of Professional and Higher Education and Law
Department of Professional and Higher Education and Law is one of main educational and scientific subdivisions of Central Institute of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education State Higher Educational Institution “University of Educational Management” of National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine.
Department executes qualification improvement such learners:
- Administrators of Universities, Academies and Institutes by categories:
- Rectors
- Vice-Rectors of Educational, Pedagogical, Scientific Work, International Relations and Administrative and Economy Work
- Deans of Faculty (Directors of Institutes)
- Deputy Deans of Faculties (Directors of Institutes)
- Heads of Educational (Educational and Methodological) Departments
- Heads of Personnel Departments
- Directors (Deputy Directors, Leading Specialists) of Libraries
- Lecturers
- · Administrators of Colleges, Vocational Institutions by categories:
- Directors
- Successors of Directors of Educational and Educational and Methodological Work, Education and Production, and Production Work, Educational and Pedagogical, Pedagogical Work
- Heads of Educational Departments
- Lecturers
- Administrators of Vocational Education Institutions
Education is realized by study and educational and thematic plans, content of which includes innovation approaches of delivering and systematization of theoretical knowledge of learners of main directions of modern educational policy and development their administration competence, which are necessary for efficient execution professional tasks
Classes are held by schedule, made by Educational Department of CIPPE on base of educational and thematic plans. Duration of courses of qualification improvement – 22 weeks, including: first stage – organizational and regulation session (daily form) – one week, second stage – supervised independent work (distant) – 20 weeks, third stage – exam session (daily) – one week.
First stage (daily, 45 hours) – covering study material via auditorium classes (entrance control, lectures, thematic discussions), “round tables”, practice classes, training, special courses etc.)
Second stage (distant, 120 hours) – supervised independent work, Internet classes, realization graduation work and educational practicum.
Supervision of independent work of learners is executed by curator-tutor of study group by way of rendering methodological and consulting aid; personal communication in regimes “on-line”, “off-line” and other. By this computer and information technologies and possibilities of telecommunication nets are used (Internet, E-mail, IRC, phone/fax and other)
Third stage (daily, 45 hours) – conducting driven out classes, conference of experience exchange, summary control (defending graduating work, differentiate test)
University creates appropriate conditions for study of learners, renders study (specialized) auditoriums, technical facilities of study, educational and laboratory equipment. Base objects are joined by Department for conducting driven out classes.
For period of study the learners of courses of qualification improvement by agreement grounds are provided with accommodation at Hostel of University
Learners who realized all requirements of curricula and programs obtain Certificates of established pattern