Educational and Scientific Institute of Management and Psychology (further – Institute) is structure subdivision of State Higher Educational Institution “University of Educational Management, main aim of its creation was rendering multilevel professional education in market conditions, assisting forming University as leading educational institution of Ukraine
At Institute preparation of professionals by educational level “Bachelor” and “Master” by specialty “Economics” (specialization – Personnel Management and Labor Economics), Management (specializations – Organizational Management of Administration; Quality, Standardization and Certificating, Project Management, Education Quality Management, Educational Institution Management, Educational Media Management, “Psychology”, “Entrepreneurship, Trade and Exchange Activity”, “Sciences of Education” (specializations – Higher Education Pedagogics, Higher Education Christian Pedagogics)
Process of preparation at higher scientific and methodological level using the newest technologies of study is provided by four Departments of Institute:
- Department of Project Management and General Professional Disciplines (Executive Head of Department – Candidate Political Sciences, Associate Professor T.O.Bukoros)
- Department of Educational Institution Management and Higher Education Pedagogics (Head of Department – Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Z.V. Riabova)
- Department of General and Practical Psychology (Head of Department – Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor P.V.Lushyn)
- Department of Economics and Personnel Management (Head of Department – Doctor of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor I.V.Hlivna)
Department of General and Practical Psychologyis headed by famous scientist, Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor P.V.Lushyn. Activity of Department is directed for preparation high professional specialists with higher education by specialty “Psychology” (educational level – bachelor, master) and grounds on base of modern achievements of psychological and pedagogical science on background of wide professional contacts with related lecturer and scientific subdivisions of University
Annually Department organizes and conduct international scientific and practical conferences, seminars, round tables in actual issues of preparation of future psychology professionals
Major amount of graduates of Department after graduating Institute enter postgraduate studies and defend Candidate Theses, start active practical activity in field of psychological assistance of personality, and also in teaching Psychology in secondary and higher educational institutions
Among students of UEM you could hear such comments about lecturing Psychology at Department:
“At first I felt not indifferent attitude to me as personality and my study needs”, “Opinion appears that all teachers of Department “infected with virus” of self-perfection, which with pleasure you can study”, “many of my Professors received personal pleasure of communication by practical themes in Psychology”
Department of Project Management and General Professional Disciplines, which is headed by Candidate of Political Sciences, Associate Professor T.O. Bukoros renders high quality services using innovation methods of scientific perception, oriented for needs of modern society by master education program “Project Management” and lecturing disciplines of general theoretic and world-view character at preparation of professionals with higher education in field of Psychology, Management and Pedagogics. Uniting lecturers of various, at first look, very distanced disciplines, Department is conservative in positive understanding this world, because renders preparation by basic directions of science and propose services in preparation professionals by classic list of general profession disciplines
Disciplines of Department of social and philosophical, mathematical and nature, information direction form base foundation for lecturing special disciplines of other Departments
Multidiscipline character of Department foresees permanent search of harmonization interactions of Department staff, search of methodological and theoretical grounds of Department and its development as unique organism. At the same time, Department is sensitive for modern tendencies and innovations in education space, where circulation of social process influences also. Department reaction for these tendencies appears in various forms according to discipline and requirements of education and professional programs of preparation professionals of appropriate educational level, perfecting by such way the content of disciplines
In study process lecturers of Department widely use new educational technologies and sources of information providing. Besides immediate lecturing for students the range of subjects, directed for perception information technologies, such technologies more widely are used in work of Department staff. Indicated obstacles are main factors, that influence further development of Department, strengthening it potential by way of improving structure and functional organization, qualification improvement of collaborators, profounding scientific and scientific and methodological work and optimization of education process. All these are directed for forming specialists, who more adequately prepared for solving daily tasks, management of current risks and reaction for modern challenges for providing stable social development
Collaborators of Departrment take part in research and education national and international projects, results of which (new curricula, text-books, recommendations) are introduced for education process
At the same time Department is open for innovations and interested in spreading scientific and education cooperation
Department of Economics and Personnel Management, headed by Doctor of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor I.V.Hlivna provides preparation of high professional specialists with higher education in fields of knowledge Social and Behavior Sciences and Management and Administration by specialties “Economics” and “Management”
Main scientific issue of Department: “Quality Improvement of Labor Potential and Life of Population of Country by Means of Human Centrism Education”. In practice this issue is solved at stage of admission students for study. Thus, for example, in entrants on base of self-appraisal the level of business features are distinguished, without which they are not able to be successful managers or managers of personnel management. This information is rendered entrants confidentially and have recommendation character. Receiving such information, the entrant must decide independently which profession to choose for the best self-realization
Department worked out “Technology of Forming High Efficient Mechanism of Personnel Management (HMPM)” on base of self-organization and creation unique team of managers and executors”, appointed for preparation successful administrators-managers
Scientific and pedagogical collaborators of Department participate in organization and conducting scientific and practical conferences, seminars, round tables in actual issues of nowadays, execute prospect scientific researches. Department cooperates with education institutions of all levels of accreditation in field of education activity, interacts with scientific and research institutes, in particular, with Institute of Talented Child of National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine (in issues of identification in early childhood features which belong for future manager) and Institute of Demography and social Researches of National Academy of Educational Sciences (in issues of improvement human resources on stages of forming, using and development)
Department of Educational Institution Management and Higher Education Management, headed by Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Z.V. Riabova, realizes preparation of professionals by specialties: “Management” (specializations – QualityEducation Management, Educational Institution Management, Educational Media Management) and “Sciences of Education” (specializations – Higher Education Pedagogics, Higher Education Christian Pedagogics), (education level – master degree)
Master preparation of future professionals is covering as such one that will integrate interests of State, society and personality, provide student complete professional and person development in maximum possible scope of individual psychological resources. In process of preparation of managers and lecturers of higher school active methods of study are used, interactive methods, training, information and communication technologies. Thus, with aim of development professional important features of manager business games are conducted (“Modern Manager”, “Algorithm of Business Communication”, “Image of Manager”, “Delegation of Powers”), method of discussion is used, problematic education
Active interactions of all participants of education process are provided with interactive methods (case-method, study in cooperation (study in small groups), method of projects, method of “brain attack”)
For stimulation perception activity training technologies are used (training of using online constructor for conducting marketing researches, training of motivation development for education)
Exclusively in-time and prospect in process of professional preparation future professionals is the using of deduction possibilities of information and communication technologies, directed for preparation personality for independent production activity in conditions of information society, and introduction elements of distant education (using e-mail, skype, conducting online consulting, teleconferences etc.)
Using during professional preparation possibilities of innovation technologies of study for optimization of their influence at personality of student, gives opportunity to build on this base individual education trajectories, providing leading out content and process of education at personality and sense level
Efficient realization of Bachelor and Master programs at Institute is possible only then, when for educational process representatives of modern scientific schools are joined, which provide scientific assistance professional preparation of future specialists. These are scientific schools of leading scientists: Victor Oliynyk, Valentyn Maslov, Hennadii Dmytrenko, Pavlo Lushyn, which prepared the range of Candidates and Doctors of Sciences:
“Scientific Bases of Administration of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education Institutions” (Supervisor – Member of National Academy of Education Sciencesof Ukraine, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor V.V.Oliynyk)
“Methodology of Administration of Educational Institutions” (,Supervisor –Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences Professor V.I. Maslov)
“School of Ecology Facilitation” (Supervisor –Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor P.V. Lushyn)
“Synergy in Personnel Management” (Supervisor – Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor H.A. Dmytrenko)
Peculiarity, which profitably differs process of preparation future professionals at Institute, includes permanents meeting-classes of students with leading scientists of National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine: academicians Vasyl Kremen, Volodymyr Luhovyi, Nelia Nychkalo, Mykola Yevtukh and many other Academicians and Correspondent Members of National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine.
One more important direction of integration of education and scientific components in preparation process of administrators – introduction in educational process the results of modern dissertation researches, conducted by collaborators of University
It is ought to note high activity of students in conducting common with lecturers researches, results of which are depicted at master papers, articles in “Herald of Master Student” and other editions. Results received during execution master papers, pass approbation at annual scientific student conference “Days of Science”, events of National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine, All-Ukrainian scientific and practical conferences, exhibitions, contests
One of principal innovations of master programs at Institute is joining students and lecturers for project activity. Scientific and pedagogical collaborators and students – active participants of number of international projects:
- Common Project of International Bank of Reconstruction and Development of Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine “Equal Access for Quality Education”, Project “Strategy of Reformation Education in Ukraine” by support of Development Program of UNO, International Fund “Renascence” and Institute of Open Society. During work of these Projects qualification requirements were worked out and passed All-Ukrainian discussion concerning professional activity of pedagogical collaborators. educational recommendations of educational policy of Ukraine were compiled
- Project “Modernization System of Education Administration in Ukraine: Traffic Map of Reforms”, realized by support of Educational Program of International Fund “Renascence” commonly with non-government organization “Centre of Leadership Development”. Results of research passed wide discussion at three round tables with participation of students
By conclusions of research and discussion of its results the model of reformation is proposed of system of education administration in Ukraine, presented by Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine
- Ukrainian and Austrian Project in Project Management “Forming Competences in Project Management for Innovation School Development for Administrators of Schools of Ukraine”, which is coordinated by Project Bureau of Federal Ministry of Education, Art and Culture of Austria “KulturKontakt” . Main aim of Project is development competence administrators and collaborators of education institutions of management and realization school development projects
Thus, presence of all necessary components and experience of international cooperation permit Institute to realize modern content of preparation future professionals, solve new tasks, which appear at system of higher education at modern stage of development of Ukraine