Aim and Tasks

Department of Educational Work and Employment executes its activity with aim to realize next tasks:

  • Introduction to educational process the newest technologies of education students according to requirements of multi level preparation and improvement educational and methodological providing by credit and module system of organization of educational process
  • Control of study process, including intermediate control of knowledge and visiting classes
  • Organization and forming data base of contingent and quality analysis of education at Institute
  • Research and analysis of educational and educational and pedagogical process with aim of its perfection in direction of realization modern educational paradigms  for treating personality with intellectual creativity of new type
  • Providing development of scientific and methodological work of introduction pedagogical innovations, modern methods and technologies in educational activity of Institute
  • Organization of statistic data auditing of student contingent at Institute and reporting about them before National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine and Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine
  • Control of contingent movement, including renewals, removals, enrollments with quarter comparing data
  • Control and analysis of scholarship fund


Functions of  Department of Educational Work and Employment:

  1. Planning and compiling schedules of curriculum, exam sessions for daily and correspondence education, work of state exam commissions (SEC)
  2. Preparation projects of orders and statutes of Rector of educational process, subscribing educational areas by subdivisions of University
  3. Control of keeping discipline of educational process by lecturers and students
  4. Methodological supervision of work of methodologists
  5. Control of organization of exam sessions, summarizing and analysis of conclusions of sessions
  6. Supervision and control of work of secretaries of state exam commissions, summarizing and analysis of conclusions of work of state exam commissions, according to reports of heads
  7. Ordering and issuance of Diplomas, Academic References, Diploma Duplicates, Individual Curriculum, Record Books and Student Tickets, and also organization of issuance of other documents for students and graduates of all forms of study
  8. Preparation of accounts and other documents for forming staffs of Departments, normative control of curricula and educational loading of lecturers and Departments, Control of implementation educational loading
  9. Issuance of work of lecturers by terms of hour payment, auditing using hour fund and preparation proposals of its distribution
  10. Supervision Departments in definite issues of educational and methodological work, participation in control event by plan of University Administration
  11. Providing Departments with blanks of educational documentation
  12.  Issuance of personal profiles of students, preparation and transmission personal profiles for archives, preparation and sending documents at other Universities by requests
  13. Choice and organization introduction to educational process commonly with other administrations new technical facilities of learning
  14. Participation in distinguishing commonly with Centre of Information Technologies of University, Departments of Prospect New Information Technologies in educational process and conducting events for their introduction to educational process
  15. Assisting Heads of Issuance Departments to work out curricula
  16. Preparation data of state statistic reporting (2-3 НК)
  17. Commonly with Centre of Employment and Relations with graduates to realize control of employment graduates and estimation quality of their preparation
  18. Organization of learning methodologists of educational department and Departments with issues of record keeping of educational process
  19. Conducting compiling record keeping of name scholarships, results of passing examination sessions, work of state attestation commission and other directions of activity