We live in country which have high educational potential, culture of generations and long term tradition of quality higher education
Separate place in education history is set by First in Ukraine State Higher Educational Institution of Postgraduate Education, which in its time began own history by title “Central Institute of Qualification Improvement Administration Personnel of People’s Education of Ministry of Education of Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic since 27.12.1952, and in 1999 by Resolution of Cabinet of Ministers since 22.7.1999 Central Institute of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education of National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine. Rector became Victor Oliynyk, later he was chosen as Rector of State Higher Educational Institution “University of Educational Management” of National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine
Our State Higher Educational Institution has IV level of accreditation and is unique institution due to high educational professor and lecturer staff, individual approach to every student, using non-standard forms of conducting educational process and aims to motivate and develop students as creative personalities
University has diversified system of educational directions, which gives student possibility to enter another direction of study, simultaneously learning by main specialty. Such opportunity is useful because opens ways for obtaining prestige place of study including abroad
High efficient effective component is that fact, that at our University science is joining with practice, harmony integration of educational process and scientific potential to European environment
University is situated in centre of Kyiv. In few bus stops before its core – Khreshchatyk Street and Square of Independence. It has at its territory development infrastructure: comfortable buildings and lecture rooms, modern equipped, comfortable hostel
Strong argument for choosing our University is active student life and its self-governance, which has representation in administration structures of University
Great grounds for higher indicated is modern own press centre and broadcasting. Important elements of vital activity of University are content conferences, seminars and workshops of leading Ukrainian scientists, entertainment humor contests, bright concert programs, which assistant students and pedagogues to indicate own creative talents and abilities