Oliynyk Victor Vasyliovych – Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Member of National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine, Member of International Slavonic Education  Academy of Y.A. Komenskyi, Honored Education Worker of Ukraine, Rector of Higher State Educational Institution “University of Educational Management”, famous scientist in Ukraine and abroad in field of general and professional pedagogics, education administration

He entered science as developer of innovation approaches of administration continuous professional development pedagogical and administration education  personnel, as initiator of modernization education of postgraduate pedagogical education on grounds of open education and distant study

Way of Academician Oliynyk V.V. to science begins since 70th years last century, when his professional activity formed as organizer of scientific and methodological work at Respublic educational and Methodological  Cabinet of Labor Education and Professional Orientation of Ministry of Education of Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic. During this period the first scientific and methodological works appear: “Professional Oriented Work of Lviv House of Pioneers and Pupils” (1974), “Working System of Educational and Methodological Cabinet of Study, Summary and Introduction Progressive Pedagogical Experience” (1980)

In first half of 80th years his further scientific self-identification and forming was assisted by research activity at Department of Vocational Education of Scientific and Research Institute of Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic and, in particular, such scientists as B.S. Hershunskyi, O.S.  Dubynchuk, N.H. Nychkalo, M.D. Yarmachenko and others

Fateful in these years is acquaintance of V.V. Oliynyk with Academician of Pedagogical Sciences of Union of Soviet Social Republics S.Y. Batyshev. His scientific ideas and  theoretical bases of professional education gives push for study at Department of Postgraduate Education, identification issue of dissertation research, and Serhii Yakovych became scientific supervisor at work of Candidate’s dissertation by theme: “System of Introduction Progressive Production Experience in Practice of Secondary Vocational Colleges Work ”, which was successfully defenced in 1988

In further with intensification of scientific search in issues of professional improvement personnel of vocational education the aspiration appears for immediate administration of given processes, which in 1989 is realized into life at Central Institute of Improvement Teachers. With vital activity of this Institute and his role in education field V.V. Oliynyk joins his life as scientist and administrator-professional. Before scientist appear issues  of transformation of postgraduate education system and administration field in market conditions. As results are works: “Ukrainian Institute of Qualification Improvement Administration Education Personnel: Organization and Administration” (1993, co-authors: M.I. Drobnohod, S.V. Krysiuk and others), “Purposeful Administration: Measure Results of Pupil Activity and Teachers” (co-authors: H.A. Dmytrenko, O.L.Anufrieva) and other

Commonly with this the desire rises for permanent development and self-perfection. In 1997 the scientist began to work under  doctoral dissertation “Theoretic and Methodological Grounds of Administration Improvement Qualification of Pedagogical Personnel of Vocational Education” by scientific consulting famous scientist. Doctor of Philosophical Science, Academician V.P. Andrushchenko, which he finished and  successfully defended in 2004, already being Rector of Central Institute of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education. Working under Doctoral Dissertation he works out Conception of distant learning in system of qualification improvement of pedagogical personnel, distinguish strategic research directions in this field and begins own scientific school. Great scientific and administration experience, strong intellectual and creative potential, purpose orientation and enthusiasm of V.V. Oliynyk assists the scientist to join and lead enthusiasts-practitioners by scientific ways, who aspire professional perfection and education development in state

Attention and scientific interest of pedagogues and researches  are strengthened for issues of postgraduate education, directions of scientific searches are broaden. V.V. Oliynyk leads supervision and coordination of this work, educate methodology of young obtainers, organizes international and All-Ukrainain scientific and practical conferences, broadening spectrum of researches, joining new creative participants, providing introduction of received results. Conceptual statutes and ideas of the scientist are  the base of building  of Central Institute of  postgraduate Pedagogical Education and in total the system of postgraduate pedagogical education

Strategy thinking, research system and professional administration of the scientist assist development leaded by him collective and transformation in 2008 Central Institute of  Postgraduate Pedagogical Education in innovation and research educational institution State Higher Educational Institution “University of Educational Management”

Scientific works out of the scientist, his Conception of gradual transition of postgraduate pedagogical education of Ukraine from traditional (daily) study form to daily and distant form are implemented in practice of activity of all system of postgraduate pedagogical education

By supervision of V.V.Oliynyk the work is conducted of working out projects of Laws of Ukraine “About Postgraduate Education”, “About Higher Education”, “About Education” etc. He is initiator and founder of Scientific and Methodological Centre “Consortium of Institutions of Postgraduate Education” (2009) and in its frames “Ukrainian Open University of Postgraduate Education” (2015), which work under creation and introduction modern standards of postgraduate education of pedagogical, scientific and pedagogical and administration personnel, innovation models of continuous professional development of indicated categories of workers on base of network and other education technologies

For today scientific interests and practical results of V.V. Oliynyk are joined with research of issues of education administration, open postgraduate education development in Ukraine, working out scientific and methodological grounds of administration of postgraduate pedagogical education system. He is author of over 300 scientific and scientific and methodological works, member of specialized scientific councils in dissertations defense.  He prepared 23 scientists, among which – 15 Candidates and 8 Doctors of Science

Scientific School of V.V. Oliynyk realizes systematic fruitful scientific and research activity since 1999

Issue of Researches – theory and practice of postgraduate pedagogical education in period of society transformation

Main Aim of Researches –  modernization education activity in postgraduate pedagogical education on base of modern approaches and  technologies

Most valuable scientific results of Academician Oliynyk V.V. and his School became:

  • Forming scientific bases of modern postgraduate pedagogical education (missions, functions, principles, education and administration models, technologies etc.)
  • Working out methodological approaches for administration development of pedagogical and administration education personnel in system of postgraduate pedagogical education
  • Creation theory and methodology of daily and correspondence study of pedagogical and administration personnel in system of postgraduate pedagogical education
  • Working out theoretical and methodology bases of organization of educational process of pedagogical and administration education personnel and estimation results un postgraduate period on base of principles  ECTS

In frames of Scientific school under supervision of Academician Oliynyk V.V. range of scientific issues are researched:

  1. Content and  Organization of Distant Postgraduate Pedagogical Education (2000-2002)
  2. Theory and Methodology of Preparation Administration and Pedagogical Personnel in System of Distant Postgraduate Education (0103U003190) (2003–2005)
  3. Scientific and Methodological Groumds of Qualification Improvement Administration Personnel of Vocational Institutions in system of distant learning (0106U002455) (2006–2008)
  4. Credit and Module Organizations of Educational Process in Qualification Improvement Administration Education Personnel (0109U002231) (2009–2011)
  5. Scientific and Methodological Grounds of Modernization Educational Activity of Postgraduate Pedagogical Institutions  on Grounds of Modern Technologies (РК0112U002346) (2012 – 2014)
  6. Conceptual Grounds of Forming Open  University of Postgraduate Education (2016-2018)

Valuable Practical Meaning have Normative Works, among which:

  • Statute about introduction European credit and transfer system at higher educational institutions of postgraduate pedagogical education, approved by Scientific Council of University of Educational Management of National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine since 20.12.2011
  • Statute about organization daily and distant improvement qualification of administration and pedagogical  personnel at Central Institute of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education, approved by Scientific and Methodological Council of CIPPE of Academy of Educational Sciences since 11.05.2005
  • Statute about Improvement Qualification of Administration, Scientific and Pedagogical and Pedagogical Personnel of Education at University of Educational Management, approved by Scientific Council of University of Educational Management of National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine since 30.01.2013
  • Concept of Administration System of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education in conditions of innovation transformations (2015)