Aim and Main Tasks of Postgraduate Studies:

─ Preparation of scientific and pedagogical and scientific personnel.
─ Organization of Educational Process of Preparation of scientific and scientific and pedagogical workers.
─ Admission and issuance of necessary documents for enrollment from postgraduate and doctoral students according to established order.
─ Providing effective work of Admission Exam  Commission.
─ Organiazation and realization of entrance and Candidate exams.
─ Planning and coordination of scientific and research work of postgraduate students.
─ Forming conditions for quality execution of dissertation work.
─ Assisting to providing equal possibilities for study.
─ Rendering information and consulting assistance for postgraduate students, doctoral students and achievers of University in issues of their rights and obligations, active rules and order of issuance  of dissertation works.
─ Organization and realization of scientific, scientific and practical, scientific and methodological seminars.
─ Informing at site of University.
─ Organization and administration of work of “School of Young Scientist”.
─ Collection of appropriate materials for approving thematics of dissertation researches at Expert Council of University.
─ Adjusting partner contacts with postgraduate departments of other higher educational institutions of Ukraine with the aim of cooperation and  exchange of experience.
─ Widening range of scientific specialties according to directions of preparation of professionals and scientific providing profile departments.

Functions of Postgraduate Studies:

Main functions of postgraduate studies according to appropriate tasks:

─ Working out of annual and prospect plans of admission of postgraduate and doctoral students by specialties, schedules of entrance and Candidate exams. Realization of control of its execution.
─ Preparation by results of passed exams the project orders of admission for postgraduate and doctoral  studies.
─ Issuance of documentation about activity of postgraduate and doctoral studies;
─ Organization of realization audit by postgraduate and doctoral students of individual educational plans;
─ Forming and presenting for approving by Scientific Council the necessary documents in issues of work with postgraduate students and organization of work of postgraduate and doctoral studies.
─ Rendering possibilities for postgraduate students and doctoral students to participate in scientific activity appropriate departments; using educational and methodological base and library of University; receiving necessary for study scientific information and scientific consulting.
─ Forming for postgraduate students and doctoral students the safe and harmless conditions of education and labour.
─ Realization of information and consulting activity according to own tasks.