Admission persons for University for obtaining PhD degree (Doctor of Philosophy) is executed on contest basis. Citizens of Ukraine, foreigners, also persons without citizenship, who live at territory of Ukraine on legal grounds, are accepted.

Admission for Postgraduate studies per 2016/2017  for obtaining higher education by degree of Doctor of Philosophy will be executed according to List of knowledge fields and specialties, by which preparation of higher education obtainers is realized, approved by Decree of Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine since April, 29th, 2015 №266.


Code of Field

 Field of Knowledge

Code of Specialty






Sciences of Education

Theory and Methodology of Education Administration


Theory and Methodology of Professional Education


Social and Behavior Sciences



Social Psychology;

Psychology of Social Work





Pedagogical and Age Psychology





Public Administration

Public Administration of Education

Preparation at department of postgraduate studies is executed with tearing off and without tearing off from production.

Normative term of preparation of Doctor of Philosophy at Department of postgraduate studies includes 4 years.

For study for obtaining PhD degree at higher educational institutions (scientific establishments) are accepted the persons who received Master’s degree (educational and qualification degree of specialist).

Term of document admission: since April, 1st, 2015 till May, 15th, 2016
Entrance examsare conducted since June, 1st, 2016 till September, 10th, 2016
Start of Study at Department of Postgraduate Studies since September, 15th, 2016

List of Documents

Entrants for postgraduate studies present for Rector of University the following documents:

  • Application;
  • Personal paper from personnel audit department;
  • List of published scientific papers and inventions. Postgraduate students, who don’t have

Published scientific papers and inventions, present scientific reports in chosen by them scientific specialty;

  • Medical reference about state of health by form № 286-u;
  • Copy of Diploma about graduation of Higher Educational Institution indicating received qualification  of specialist or master (persons, who received appropriate education abroad – copy of nostrificated diploma);
  • Certificate about passing of Candidate exams (at presence of passed Candidate exams);
  • Copies of documents, which confirms the right of entrant for additional points (Diploma of winner of contest of student scientific works; Diploma of winner of student  international and all-Ukrainian Olympiad; scientific article in native professional edition; scientific article in edition, wnich enters to international scientific and metric bases (Scopus, Web of Science and other); participation in scientific all-Ukrainian conference (for condition of publishing of theses of report, but not more 2); participation in scientific international conference (for condition of publishing of theses of report, but not more 2);
  • Photo 3*4;
  • Copy of Work-book, approve by stamp of Department of Personnel by place of work;
  • Copy of identification code;
  • Case for documents for keeping personal file.

Passport and diploma is presented by entrant personally.

For admission for doctoral studies, besides, such documents are presented:

  • Plan-prospect of dissertation for receiving scientific title – Doctor of Science (further – Doctor Dissertation);
  • Copy of diploma about award of scientific titlce – Candidate of Sciences (in terms of receiving of appropriate education abroad – copy of nostrificated diploma);

Diploma of award of scientific title – Candidate of Sciences- is presented by entrant personally.

Admission exams for study for receiving Doctor of Philosophy includes:

  • Entrant exam in specialty (in volume of standard of higher education of master in appropriate specialty);
  • Entrant exam in foreign language (English, Deutsch, French) by B2  level of All-European recommendations in language education;
  • Interview, presentation of research proposals.

Persons who enter postgraduate studies on base of educational and qualification level of master (specialist), obtained by other specialty, additional entrance exam is appointed – interview.

Presence of International Certificate with approving level of language skills B2 is equal to higher point and is accepted as entrance exam in foreign language.

Entrants are provided with hostel.

At Admission for postgraduate studies advantage is rendered for persons, who have experience of practical work by profile of chosen specialty (desirably not less 2 years).


r.403, build. №2, 52a, Sichovych Striltsiv (Artema) Street, Kyiv City, Ukraine
Head of Postgraduate Studies
Anufrieva Oksana Leonidivna
phone 481-38-18