School of Scientists

Since 2012 All-Ukrainian School of Scientists is functioned.

It is permanently active professional union of doctoral, postgraduate, attached, master students and those pedagogical collaborators, who potentially interested in  execution scientific and research work, directed to research modern administrative, and psychological and pedagogical issues in postgraduate education.

Main aim of School – forming additional conditions of rendering scientifical and methodological assistance for young scientists, directed at quality improvement of dissertation  researches, professional development and providing efficient preparation of competitive modern scientist.

Structure of School includes 3 departments, thematics of educational and methodological events of which is directed for needs of knowledge profounding and skills of young scientists, including stages of their education:

  • Department “First steps for thesis defending” for postgraduates and attached students of 1st year of study
  • Department “Dissertation research: way for success” for postgraduates and attached students of 2nd year of study
  • Department “One step before defending thesis” for postgraduate and attached students of 3rd  and 4th  year of study