Bratischenko I. V. The application of the methods of the healthy way of life into the educational process by the way of management consulting the heads of educational establishments
The article proves the necessity to applicate the methods of the healthy way of life into educational process by the way of management consulting of heads of educational establishments. Found out the definition of the management consulting and substantiated its practicability for the heads of the educational establishments.It is noted that management consulting is the leading way for the application of the methods of the healthy way of life into the educational process. Pointed the necessity of the ensuring of effective management consulting of the heads of educational establishments in the inculation of the methods of healthy way of life and forming reproductive health of young people.
Analysis of scientific research and publications testifies that the problem of reproductive health in our state got out medical frame and needs complex solution with involvement of educational institutions.
Nowadays the most of pedagogical collectives are reoriented towards such organization of educational process as forming harmonic developed personality, making his physical, mental, moral components of health, to bringing up the culture of health and requirement of healthy lifestyle. The making healthier of school starts from the application of healthretentive pedagogics for most of the educational establishments. The head of modern school must possess healthretentive technologies, the bases of management and marketing in education in order to not to stay apart the realia of modern life. Elected theme is caused by the necessity of discussing the conditions of management consulting of the heads of educational establishments which influence on the application of the methods of healthy way of life into educational process and the promotion of scientific-methodical accompaniment of professional activity of management staff of educational establishment.