Elnikova G. V., Melnik V. K., Chernuha-Gadzetskaya C. M. Model of training regional and school managers to assess the results of secondary schools activity
The given article raises actual pedagogical problem devoted to defining and creating the model of training regional and school managers to assess the results of secondary school activity. Two sub models were compared in the article: «Qualimetric sub model of readiness of the regional manager to assess the results of secondary school activity» and «Qualimetric sub model of readiness school manager to assess the results of secondary school activity». Detailed characteristics of sub models are given.
Research defines modelling as the method of examining specific objects of postgraduate pedagogical education, model as means of generalization separate elements of the given system in conditions of qualification postgraduate training managers of compulsory secondary education. By this approach authors did a research and interpretation of processes and facts that are happening in the system of qualification postgraduate training managing staff of educational institutions and establishments. In constructing model authors use scientific principle based on transition from empirical cognition of the object of research to theoretical cognition, where the development and functioning of scientific knowledge is realized on two layers empirical and theoretical as relatively independent with raising related research tasks and selection expedient methods of its decision and generalization. By system-complex construction the model is multicomponent, multi-aspects, integrated to three layers including conceptual, processing, effective components.
Scientific-methodical maintenance was attained on the base of the use of principle structuring managing knowledge, abilities and skills of compulsory secondary education managers taken on the base of knowledge-professiographic attitude, stipulated by content and tasks of the activity, functional responsibilities of compulsory secondary education managers of regional and school levels and connected with question of content of their training and qualification postgraduate training in IPPE.
To define readiness of CSE/SEI managers to assess the results of SEI activity corresponding models were created on the base of qualimetric approach. Sub models contain factors and assessing criteria, which help to arrange the level of readiness managers to this type of activity taking into account their personal qualities, professional competencies, methodological and technological knowledge. At the same time, they could be used instead of testing control and self-checking of readiness to assess the results of SEI activity by their participants.