Kononets M. O. Gender features of demonstration of entrepreneurs’ professional morality
Article is dedicated to the results of research of gender features of demonstration of professional morality by entrepreneurs’. In particular, definition of entrepreneurs’ professional morality as demonstration of their ethical attitudes in the form of ethical behavior and ethical mutual relations in the process of entrepreneurial activity is given; techniques of measurement of parameters of professional morality of entrepreneurs are described. It is proved, that diagnostics of entrepreneurs’ professional morality can be carried out by measurement of their moral status, ethical behavior, level of development of moral consciousness, and also an index of participation in doubtful situations from the ethical point of view.
It was found that high level of the moral status and of moral consciousness is shown more often by businesswomen, and low level – businessmen. The number of entrepreneurs with demonstration of an average level of these parameters was identical in both gender groups. The majority of respondents-women had a low index of participation in doubtful situations from the ethical point of view. The respondents-men demonstrated high index and average index more often. The respondents of both gender groups have shown an average level of ethical behavior; almost the third part of respondents have shown the low level of ethical behavior; less than the tenth part of interrogated entrepreneurs have shown acceptable level and high level of ethical behavior.
In future researches it is important to study mutual influence of the analyzed parameters of professional morality of businessmen and businesswomen and to carry out the analysis of gender features of the received dependences.