Pinchuk N. I. Features of the development of psychological readiness of heads of educational organizations to create a positive image
Considered the concept of the image of the head of organizational, psychological preparedness of manager educational organization to create a positive image, which consists of motivational, cognitive, operational and personal components. Shows the diagnostic tools to explore each component referred readiness. Defined the levels of development and features of cognitive, motivational, operational and personal components of psychological readiness to create a positive image of heads of educational organizations. Revealed a significant predominance own administrative reasons, social reasons and motives of self-development above personal and pragmatic.
Ascertained that most managers have insufficiency the level of knowledge about the nature of personal image, factors and means of forming a positive image, both subjectively evaluating their own level of education in matters of creating and supporting a positive image, recognized it sufficient. Established that a fifth part of surveyed have developed personality qualities that are important in the context of creating a positive image. Also fixed that women are generally more motivated to create a positive image, inclination to identify emotional support to colleagues and have an expressed need for communication.
Substantiated the necessity to promote preparedness managers to create a positive image in terms of Postgraduate Education by implementing technology of psychological training which provides the capture and development of their components psychological readiness to create a positive image.