Chervyakova O. V. Governance as a branch of knowledge and educational fields Ukraine: current status and development prospects

The current state of the scientific knowledge and the industry «Public Administration», it is possible to do conclusions regarding the development of this education area and science in Ukraine.

Аccording to statistics from the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine in 2014 Universities Network I–IV accreditation levels numbers 803 establishments, including state-owned – 415 schools, municipal – 221, private – 167.

Among the higher education institutions of III-IV accreditation – 215 state-owned, 14 – municipal and 96 –private. Of the total number of higher education institutions nearly 40% are universities III–IV accreditation levels, among them – 26 higher education institutions that are licensed and accredited to train masters in the field of knowledge "State Government".

Key words: discipline, scientific industry, public administration, education.