Kocherga Eu. V. Formation zdorov'yazberezhuvalnoyi competence of future teachers

In universities zdorov'yazberezhuvalni competence should be formed both classroom lessons and in extracurricular time. You can select the basic techniques of building motivation zdorov'yazberezhennya future teachers. These include: the saturation of content Historical background and modern concepts of valeological principles of human life; show alternative approaches to understanding the essence zdorov'yazberezhennya; demonstration of achievements of modern medical science and teaching in the field of rehabilitation of people; formation test material interest (interesting scientific data, empirical observation, paradoxical facts, etc.); disclosure of scientific and practical importance of health and ways to support it; zdorov'yazberezhennya show the need for productive learning in higher education for future professional activity improvement.

To form zdorov'yazberezhuvalnoyi competence of future teachers must use a variety of technologies. Among them are both specific and general pedagogical innovative technologies. Specific technologies include zdorov'yazberezhuvalni. T. Karasev leads zdorov'yazberihalnh classification technology, medical and hygiene technology; sports and health technology; zdorov'yazberezhuvalni environmental technologies; technology security life; Health-zberezhuvalni educational technology. Among obschepedagogicheskoy can emphasize interactive technologies, which represent a collective, group training in cooperation, where teacher training and participants are equal subjects of teaching and learning activities. During interactive learning teacher acting as organizer, consultant.