Kulyk O. Ye. Analysis model construction quality control providing educational services comprehensive educational institution based on information technologies

In our study model of quality management of educational services based on information technology is a complex system that characterizes the interaction of subjects and objects of management at CEI. It (model) defined components (components) quality management of educational services based on information technology.

Consider the process of obtaining information about the condition of the control you need to create a model of quality management of educational services based on IT GEI. To do this, create an information environment of school. In Ukraine and other countries in recent years been the formation of ICT-based educational information environment in the education system as a whole and individual CEI.

In developing ICT environments in schools in the area, we relied on aspects of simulation, the construction and development of the educational environment (NA) offered Bykov. According to his understanding, NS characterize.

  • target component; content-information component; mikrosotsium education; system training facilities; Teachers component; technological component;
  • classrooms, typical and atypical.