Morozova M. E. Formation of effective human resource management in higher education institutions

Management activities are inextricably linked to human and social activities aimed at achieving clearly defined results. As you know, control is exercised by the general laws of all complex dynamic systems and is based on obtaining, processing and transmitting information.

Effective human resource management – one of the most important conditions for the success of higher education. The management of the institution is responsible not only for raising labor activity of personnel, but also planning his professional growth as a reserve for the future development and competitiveness of the institution.

Staff is a strategic and intellectual resources of the university, which requires finding new management mechanisms to ensure the effectiveness of its work.

Talent management involves performing a number of functions, which refers to specific activities. With HR provided, on the one hand, unity, harmony and interrelation of all substructures system, on the other hand – the development, change, improve each of substructures that are part of the system. In addressing such problems detected dualistic nature of management functions.

Thus, personnel management can be defined as a set of measures aimed at optimal quantitative and qualitative formation of personnel, organization of professional development, to achieve the strategic goals of higher education.

So, in general HR management is a complex activity to develop and implement management actions, means, methods impact on staff to improve the efficiency of the latter.