Pashkov A. P., Napadovskaya L. A. Trends and innovation in education

At this time the new Europe of greater integration. The process of European unification, its extension to the east is accompanied by a joint educational and scientific space and the development of common criteria and standards in this area across the whole continent. This process was named from the name of the BolognaUniversity in the Italian city of Bologna.

The needs of economic and social development of the international community determine the absence of alternatives such as the Bologna process, which is the basis of modern education updates. In Ukraine, for the last 10–15 years there was a significant gap between the business sector and higher education.

There are other important issues to be addressed on the road to European integration, namely: the creation of a modern information infrastructure of education and science (as in eastern Ukraine, in general in the country) and its connection to European computer networks and information resources; effective scientific and technological cooperation between Ukraine and Europe and so on.

The Law of Ukraine "On Higher Education" developed by the Ministry of Education and approved by the President of Ukraine of 07.01.2014 p. Number 1556-VII is significantly different from the previous version and allows you to get closer to the Bologna process of transformation in the educational and scientific space. However, the new law is an important difference from the Bologna process and the principle of joining the European Higher Education Area, which will be discussed later in the article.