Shtangey S. V. Formation xxi century education posledyplomnoho in ukraine as the object of scientific researches

Transformation processes in Ukrainian society, covering not only the economic and political aspects of his life, but also social and cultural, in particular those relating to such an important field of education. They cause permanent changes of tasks, roles and functions of the teacher, actualizing the need to improve the quality of postgraduate education, bringing it into line with the requirements of society aimed at promoting and ensuring continuity improve vocational and educational training.

Postgraduate Education passed a long way of development, during which there was inventing, testing and accumulation of positive experiences that contributed to its improvement as an independent educational sector to meet the needs of school practice.

In the present situation increases the need for recourse to historical experience, research, analysis and synthesis which may be a prerequisite for a better comprehension of the laws of postgraduate education, finding better ways to increase its efficiency.

Professional development of teachers as a result of the expected operation of Postgraduate Education changes the vector of content knowledge to meaningful personal growth. In addition, the ongoing development of the teacher as a person and as a professional performed only during practice, he takes the position of an active subject of educational activities, which sold its creative power and ability. This is facilitated by mobile, dynamic, flexible forms of learning process.

Thus, post-graduate education teaching staff in Ukraine is an important and very complex subsystem educational environment, characterized by their own patterns, trends and characteristics of development. These results clearly highlight the dissertation research of recent decades. But it should be noted that to date in this subsystem are large potential reserves that have been insufficiently studied science. Among them – establishment of educational standards for different categories of administrative and teaching staff.