Kyrychenko M. O. Education management democratization as a factor in the increasing role of heads of educational institutions legal competence
The theme is due to lack of lighting and the need for scientific substantiation important managerial competence of the head and creating educational institution of appropriate legal conditions for increasing the effectiveness of its management activities.
The concept of «administrative competence» is very broad and multifaceted. The question of managerial competence of managers of educational institutions studied and continue to be explored by many domestic and foreign scientists.
The concept of «management competence Head of Education» primarily produce basic competence. These include: sociocultural; communication; legal; management; psychological; information and communication; time-management Head.
They are all very important. However, we consider it necessary to pay special attention to the growing role of the legal competence of the modern manager in terms of rapid social change and democratization of education management. In scientific literature, this problem is not covered and is considered only a few authors.
Democratization management involves, primarily, the establishment of appropriate legal conditions for the realization of the goals of the institution, the priority issues of macro-technologies of microtechnology, of all the activities of an educational institution based on a clear division, of functional and official duties of those who teach and clearly define the rights and obligations of all participants in the educational process. The duty manager - to create conditions in which each member of the team could fulfill. And this, in terms of the democratization of education management, it has to do only in the legal field, not by coercion or by giving unconditional instructions by the total control that unfortunately still exists in today's practice leaders of many schools and educational institutions.
Leader modern educational institution – the central figure of the whole educational process. In terms of the democratization of education management, he should be able to democratically on a legal basis to solve a variety of management issues, to be able not only to manage the educational institution with the settled traditions and way of life, but also transfer it to a new level, which requires special knowledge of theory and practice, certain personality traits, ie competency.
Renewal of management, formation and development of new competences is a prerequisite for the development of creative abilities of the modern manager, able to develop his own style of management, periodically updating the content, forms and methods of its activities. It is through the widespread use legal competences heads of educational institutions of all types and levels of education held progressive changes based on the basis of humanism and democracy.