Raus V. V. Practical experience of using nonformal education technologies for elementary school teachers in methodical system work schools
Proves the necessity of improving the management of teachers competencies development. Reviewed the scientific approaches on the organization problem of nonformal education of adult as a component of continuing education. Showed the practical experience of using nonformal education technologies for elementary school teachers in methodical systemwork. Given examples of practical choosing and using nonformal education technologies. Showed the opportunities for pedagogical work experience realization of every teacher: organization of the methodical centres for young elementary school teachers, work organization of experienced teachers. Described the activities of different methodical institutions and centres in educational area. Defined the teachers activities for educational institutions, for educational area development, and for pedagogical science. Presented the ways of teachers self-knowledge, self-education and self-development during five years. Given advices to structure and contents of teachers portfolio. Given advices to choice of nonformal education technologies according to quantitative and qualitative teacherstaff. Offered the model of accorded workorganization among all risequalification structures that manage theachers education and self-education.
In the following researches is possible the organization of new important methodical centres for elementary school teachers. Notable is issue of methodical site formation. And the most important question is the work organization of methodologist: yearly, monthly, weekly and dayly workplan.