March 17th, 2023

On March 16th, 2023, the online procedure for the public signing of the text of the Memorandum between the Department of Professional and Higher Education of SIHE "University of Educational Management" (Head – Professor Larisa Sergeeva), the Department of Technological and Professional Education (Head – Professor Mykola Sadovy) and the Department of Pedagogy and Special Education (Head – Professor Anatoliy Ratsul) of Volodymyr Vynnychenko Central Ukrainian State University.


The participants of the signing were congratulated by: Prof. Liliya Klochek, Hab. Dr. in Psychology, Vice-rector for scientific work of Volodymyr Vynnychenko Central Ukrainian State University; Prof. Nataliya Muranova, Hab. Dr. in Education, Vice-rector for scientific and pedagogical, educational work and international relations of SIHE "UEM" of NAES of Ukraine; Lyudmila Snezhko, Director of the State Educational Institution (VT)E "Kropyvnytskyi Vocational Lyceum in Services and Trade".

Cooperation plans were shared by Prof. Mykola Sadovy, Head of the Department of Technological and Professional Education (Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Technologies), Hab. Dr. in Education, and Prof. Anatoly Ratsul, Head of the Department of Pedagogy and Special Education (Faculty of Pedagogy, Psychology and Arts), Ph.D. in Education.

The signing of the Memorandum will contribute to improving the quality of scientific and educational activities of educational institutions, improving performance indicators, implementing the best practices of Ukrainian scientists, joining joint efforts in scientific research, enriching the professional experience of lectors and improving their qualifications.