On October 8th-19th, 2023, the headquarters of the European Commission of the European Union (Brussels) hosted a World Webinar on Erasmus+ platform dedicated to the opportunities of Exchange and Cooperation Program for organizations and individuals around the world.

The webinar was attended by educational institutions from Europe, Asia, Africa and Latin America, invited to learn the new terms of tenders of Erasmus+ Program for 2021-2027, as well as to find new partners for implementing innovative, creative and interesting projects.

Erasmus+23 World Webinar was attended by representatives of SIHE "University of Educational Management" of NAES of Ukraine: Nataliya Muranova, Vice-rector for Scientific and Pedagogical Work, Educational Work and International Relations, Svitlana Hrytsai, Director of Center for International Cooperation and Education, Larisa Borodinova, methodologist of the highest category of Center for International Cooperation and Education, Olena Beznos, Head of the Department for Monitoring the Quality of Education, Licensing and Accreditation, together with other invited research and training staff of our University. They were present at the sessions and discussions on academic exchange of higher education seekers and scientific and pedagogical workers; cooperation in the field of higher education, professional and technical education, training and sports; virtual exchange; mobility for researchers.

During video broadcasts, the managers of Higher Education Department of European Commission presented the Programs: Erasmus+ Virtual Exchange that provides an opportunity for students, youth and research and training staff to interact, cooperate and exchange experience online. The main goal of this program is to increase intercultural understanding and develop international communication skills; Erasmus+ for Youth Programs provide an opportunity for young people aged 13 to 30 to participate in various initiatives that contribute to their educational, cultural and social development; European Voluntary Service Program is designed for young people aged 17 to 30 and allows for long-term voluntary service in other countries; Erasmus+ Youth in Action Program is aimed at the developing youth leadership, civic activism and intercultural communication.

All participants of the event asked questions to the speakers of Erasmus+ 23 World Webinar in real time and were satisfied with the information they received about the possibilities of the Erasmus+ Program that encourage students of higher education and research and training staff to participate in competitions for grants for study abroad. Participating in project grant competitions is an important opportunity to open new horizons and get funding for research or educational project that can be obtained by various organizations, including government agencies, non-profit foundations and academic institutions.