Main directions of University activity are:

  • Postgraduate preparation, re-training, improvement of qualification, specialization, training of leading, pedagogical, scientific and pedagogical  personnel of education field, including preparation of personnel reserves of heads of institutions and establishments of education;
  • Training by innovative model of specialists according to given out licences, according to state order and agreement obligations;
  • Realization of scientific and research work in issues of education management, postgraduate education, training of administrative personnel, economy of education and other issues and directions of educational activity;
  • Scientific and methodological support of educational management, post-graduate education and etc.;
  • Conducting of expert estimation of scientific, scientific and methodological materials in educational management and education of adults;
  • Rendering of additional education and consulting services;
  • Attestation of scientific, scientific and pedagogical personnel;
  • Delivering of progressive pedagogical technologies and pedagogical innovations in the field of education of adults;
  • Carrying out of scientific examination of pedagogical innovations;
  • Coordination of scientific, scientific and methodological work of institutions of postgraduate education;
  • Cooperation with foreign scientific centres and education establishments, exchange of information, business trips of workers on the base of exchanges, working out and realization of international programs and projects etc.
  • Culture and education, and enlightenment activity;
  • Financial and economic activity;
  • Publishing activity;
  • Implementation of actions of further reforming of postgraduate  pedagogical education according to modern requirements and achievements of science and techniques including achievements of leading universities of the world.