Fedorets V. М. Theoretical background of using of the archetypal psychology for the healthretentive improving of the physical education teacher’s competence
The paper deals with the substantation of the necessity and peculiarity of use of archetypal psychology for improving the healthretentive physical culture teacher’s competence using transdisciplinary, system and synergistic approaches. The current state of the mentioned problem is investigated in the cultural and historical aspects. Physiological and spiritual phenomena associated with locomotor (Lokomocia), speech (Lingualis), temporal (Temporalis), spatial (Spatialis), respiratory (Spiritus) are the systems of the influence to the archetypal layer of consciousness (gate and trigger input).The principle in the shape of the vector of meanings - from “body to soul” (Soma-Rsychisa)-unlike the previous concept “body-body” (Soma-Soma) should be used as valuable and methodological guideline of health retention. Among the factors that form the contents and technology of modern education are the intentions, defined by such archetypes as Hero, Dionysus, Titan.
In teaching practice it is manifested in phenomena caused by insufficient consideration of the age-appropriate child, intensification of studying and so on. In modern Ukrainian realities we observe health disorders, which are also associated with the destruction of the ethos of the previous culture. Due to the above mentioned we consider that education should be an evolutionary way on a competitive basis to build own alternative concepts and system of health and health retention taking into account the psychology of archetypes and historical and cultural heritage .
This may be effectively used by the archetypal psychology combined with temporal and anthropocultural approaches. From the standpoints of the archetypal psychology morning gymnastics seems the systemic factor of the impact to antagonistic to the traditions of Ukrainian culture.
Due to the possible negative influence from the morning exercises on the right heart we consider to hold it no earlier than 30-40 minutes after sleep. It is necessary to take into account the interaction of chronobiological and archetypal approaches on the level of ideology, content and practice during compiling the heathretentive curriculum.