Kolpakov V. M. Self-factor in the preparation of human to life in modern society
Highlighted one of the problems of modern pedagogy — the changing role and place of human beings in a changing paradigm of education. The role of self-management and the place of man in his life and activities.
There is a lack of understanding the existing SM, but she emphasizes that vazhnostst management. The solution to this problem requires a deeper understanding, defining the role and place in the SM system of civilized government.
Draws attention to the need to develop a methodology of self-management (SM) as a theory and practice. Metodolgiya SM ensures its unity and integrity as an academic discipline in the system of science. SM reveals conceptual problem, showing the relationship of the basic concepts of the theory of SM. The term "person" is uncertain and many understood as a phenomenon. Man seen from the perspective of philosophical anthropology, psychological anthropology, synergy. In man stands 5 faces: the individual, subject, personality, individuality and the universe. Fixed the crisis of the European model of man and recommended sequence of human civilization from the exit of a systemic crisis. Substantiated reason anthropological crisis European model in the educational system.