Morozova M. E. System of aktualnіst motivatsії pratsіvnikіv yak nevіd'єmnoї skladovoї kadrovoї polіtiki vischih navchalna zakladіv
Motivation of staff of higher education institutions currently remains very relevant, despite sufficient to consider the matter. This situation is due to the fact that theoretical research is not realized in practical solutions.
Therefore, the problem of motivation of staff of higher education institutions has become essential as problem solving actual personnel policies facing higher institutions is possible only when creating a proper motivational foundations that can encourage employees to the effective operation and delivery of quality educational services. It is about the use of such forms and methods of stimulating workers who have contributed to the higher effectiveness.
Thus, an essential role in the management of staff should be given the motivation. Motivation — is the driving force, which as motives may act as a direct interest and awareness of the importance of receiving knowledge, the desire to assert themselves, to test and demonstrate their ability to find their place in the hierarchy of social relationships in the team, get the approval of the head.
Bring in the action organized system to get the required result is possible only by the governing body of some influence or person, in this case higher education. Requires certain tools influence the elements of motivation, so she started to function. One of these tools is motivation. In order to effectively move towards the goal, the management of higher education institutions must not only plan and organize work, but also use the system to motivate employees according to a plan worked out to achieve the goals and institutions.
Therefore, a positive motivation to be successful if: ensured the implementation of the system of motivation; carried continuity; taken into account humanitarian and cultural orientation, variability, problematic, personal importance of employees and their activities, and self-fulfillment; carried out organizational and methodological support staff.
Thus, the system provides adequate motivation for professional activities, promotes professional development of staff in higher education.