Olifira L. M. Training as advanced technology of development of professional management competence of the managers of education
The actual problem of technology of development of professional competence of educational managers, who shows a new philosophy of education, the principles of democracy, human centered approach and personal dialogue, including training, is highlighted. Training is described as a progressive educational technology for the development of professional competence of educational managers. The features of its conceptual approaches (competence, andragogical and acmeological) and functions (diagnostic, teaching, research, communication, developmental, holistic, motivational, corrective, therapeutic) are determined.
Organization of the educational process is based on the principles of active, creative research positions, objectification of behavior, partnership communication, cooperative interaction, integration. The creating of a learning environment for educational managers considered on the basis of subject-subject interaction of teacher-coach and those who study, specific forms, methods and techniques of learning and teaching process management. The basic roles of the teacher-trainer in the learning process include: andrahoh-trainer, facilitator, coach, moderator, trainer, expert, partner and others. The ways of evaluating the results of training in the direct training of these professionals at the end of training and postponed are highlighted.
Attention is focused on the organization of post training period, providing support and maintenance of these leaders and serves as the basis for the continuity of their education. The importance and feasibility of the introduction of this technology in postgraduate education system of educational managers specified. Adaptation of the training to the conditions of the distance form of advanced training for that category of managers is expected to further studies.