Bazhan S. P. Normative-legal ensuring of the practical training of junior specialists of technical specialties in higher educational the institutions of І–ІІ accreditation levels

Today Ukraine's priority is the modernization of higher education with the allocation of the necessary resources and mechanisms for their effective use. The adoption of the new Law "On higher education" clear evidence that our study is very important.

The adaptation of the educational sector to the labour market is becoming increasingly important, especially its legal regulation, which becomes effective tool for development of Russian education.

And today there is a need to conduct a review and analysis of the legal provision of a modern system of higher education of Ukraine in the practical training of Junior bachelor of technical specialties to understand the number of legal disputes between the relations of enterprises and educational institutions, educational institutions, public authorities, ensuring the adaptation of education to the conditions of socially oriented economy, transformation and integration into the European and world community.

In our opinion, the regulatory balance of regulatory acts in the sphere of higher education is a reflection of the interests of the state, society and labour market.

Analyzing educational and practical activities on the territory of Ukraine, which is the higher educational institutions of i-II accreditation levels, we note that the organization of the educational process has two main aspects:

  • training as a system of purposeful activity of structural subdivisions, which involves the transfer of knowledge and the formation of their personalities;
  • training students to formation of practical skills.

Effective implementation of the practical training can take place only under condition of the formation of social service and government guarantees to support young people during practical training, the mean payment for their work, etc.

Where the organization of practical training must occur at least and outdated but still existing material-technical base of educational institutions and industrial complexes, are part of them, where there is a sense in the manufacture of certain products or services.