Helbak A. M. Fasylitatorstvo teacher as good condition shift to modern educational space

Transformation processes in education caused by the requirements of the present — awareness of the need to move from an authoritarian to the humanist pedagogy. Traditional education basically has a clear focus molding. The educational process is based on the monologues of teachers and their model — the monologues of students. This situation P. Blonsky in 20 of the last century called "antipsychological school teacher and active passive attentive children"/

Transformation processes in education caused by the requirements of the present - awareness of the need to move from an authoritarian to the humanist pedagogy. Traditional education basically has a clear focus molding. The educational process is based on the monologues of teachers and their model - the monologues of students. This situation P. Blonsky in 20 of the last century called "antipsychological school teacher and active passive attentive children.

According to Mr. Lushin, attempts to reform education (namely computerization or "bolonizatsiya" school) did not lead to fundamental changes in the traditional format of authoritarianism-explanatory and illustrative studies. The development of mental functions ignored.