Aliyeva T. M. Kyzy. As funds mezhpredmetnaya integration activities рrovision poznavatelnoy future mathematics teachers
In Article rassmatryvayutsya problems Provision yntellektualnoho development of students. Provodytsya analysis of existing methods of teaching. Putem the study of existing methods of educational and pedagogical povestvuetsya at ways aktyvyzatsyy uchebno-poznavatelnoy activities of students. By coming for Output of volume, something poznavatelnыh decision problems for otnosyaschyhsya mezhpredmetnoy integration organization javljaetsja osnovnыm funds uchebno-poznavatelnoy activities of students.
Keywords: mezhpredmetnaya Integration, mezhpredmetnыe communication, poznavatelnaya Activities, Knowledge, umenye, navыky, thinking, learning process, methods of teaching.