Nawolska B., Żądło J. Ability development tvorcheskoho thinking child to lessons in mathematics preschool education
Entry. Many sovremennыh of technical, socio Pack decisions javljajutsja result tvorcheskoho thinking. Such thinking, rasprostranennomu Contrary opinion, everybody should be available to man. So What is this area not only nebolshoy group of people nazыvaemыh sozdatelyamy, as well kasaetsya not only industry, Traditionally assotsyyruyuschyhsya with Creativity, How, for example, science and art (avg. Nęcka 1994: 31-32). Obyazatelnыm terms dalneysheho development of mankind javljaetsja tvorcheskaya Activities Chlenov chelovecheskoho the Community in connection with something arises Need razvyvat tvorcheskoe already thinking in young children. Topics not less than, Creativity concept on relations for the group эtoy vozrastnoy ponymaetsya Otherwise, than in adults. Creativity is determined As process, dayuschyy oryhynalnыe New Works, kotoryya on dannoe TIME otsenyvayutsya As socio tsennыe. Creativity Can chelovecheskoy manifest in any activity - as in hudozhestvennoy and nauchnoy, as in orhanyzatsyonnoy, Tehnicheskoe, proizvodstvennoe and vospytatelnoy (Okoń 2003: 413). When Speech are talking about the child, not sleduet Ozhydiv, something sozdannoe / prydumannoe th and will be completely novыm Advanced socio poleznыm. Dostatochno, Avto That was the novыm This tsennыm and for the most sozdatelya.