On November 26th, 2021, II International Scientific and Practical Conference "School of Synergy of Education and Spirituality: New Challenges, Trends and Opportunities" was successfully held on-line at Educational and Scientific Institute of Management and Psychology of SIHE “University of Educational Management” of NAES of Ukraine.
The conference was organized to implement the Concept of Digital Economy and Society of Ukraine, Internationalization Strategy of NAES of Ukraine, Joint Action Program of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine, Development Strategy of SIHE “University of Educational Management” for the period till 2024.
The purpose of the conference was to summarize, present and test the results of scientific research and practical experience of the synergy of education and spirituality.
The conference-organizing institutions were: National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine, SIHE "University of Educational Management", Jan Dlugosz University of Humanities and Natural Sciences in Czestochowa (Poland), Catholic University in Ruzomberk (Slovakia), University of Prešov (Slovakia), Hardin Christian University (USA), Institute of Philosophy named after Hryhoryi Skovoroda of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Public Council for Cooperation with Churches and Religious Organizations under the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, ICF "Eastern European Humanitarian Mission".
The rich program of the conference included a plenary session, image public sections and discussion panels.
At the plenary session of the conference the topical issues were considered: synergy of psychology and spirituality; synergy of general secondary education and spirituality; the use of modern educational technologies in the development of education and spirituality; the role and place of institutions of higher spiritual education in the system of higher state education; international experience in finding synergies between education and spirituality.
Significant number of local and foreign scientists and practitioners made meaningful reports, presented the results of research work and published their own practical experience in synergy of education and spirituality. More than 100 scientists, heads of general secondary, professional (vocational), higher education, doctoral students, graduate students, applicants for higher education took an active part in discussing current issues in the context of the chosen topic.
Olena Feshchenko, Deputy Director of Educational and Scientific Institute of Management and Psychology of SIHE “University of Educational Management”, Ph. D. in Economics, Associate Professor, addressed the participants of the conference with a solemn welcoming speech; Richard Baggett, President of Organizational Development Consulting (Texas, USA); Harry Skidmore, Chief Executive Officer of Aberdeen Technology Company, Member of the Board of Directors of James Avery Company (Texas, USA) greeted the listeners.
The plenary session of the conference with international participation began with a keynote speech "The Meaning of Life as a Basic Spiritual Value" by Igor Kozlovsky, President of the Center for Religious Studies and International Relations, Adviser to the Minister of Culture, Youth and Sports, Member of the Expert Council on Freedom of Conscience and Religious Organizations, Ph. D. in Historical Sciences, Associate Professor of Department of Religious Studies of the Institute of Philosophy named after Hryhoryi Skovoroda of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Professor Lyudmila Filipovych, leading researcher of the Department of History of Religions and Practical Religious Studies of the Department of Religious Studies of the Institute of Philosophy of NAS of Ukraine, Hab.D. in Philosophy, spoke on Education and Spirituality. Professor Volodymyr Klein together with Professor Viktor Gladuš, both Hab. D. in Educational Sciences represented Catholic University of Ružomberk (Slovak Republic), raised the question of inclusive environment in education.
Other representatives of Ukrainian and foreign research and educational institutions as well as public NGOs participated in the conference as a unique platform for creative cooperation, fruitful scientific, educational and social partnership of representatives of various fields, discussion and solution of current problems on spiritual values.
Results of the conference:
- creating initiative group "School of Synergy of Education and Spirituality" in order to further coordinate joint efforts for comprehensive and sustainable development of Ukrainian society on the values of Christian axiology, Ukrainian identity and civilizational heritage;
- developing and implementing programs aimed at the spiritual development of the individual by the Department of Religious Studies of the Institute of Philosophy named after Hryhoryi Skovoroda of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and other scientific institutions of NAS and NAES;
- fruitful partnering of all educational institutions participated in the conference to support and advocate the cause of synergy of education and spirituality on local and international levels.
You can view the materials of the II International Scientific and Practical Conference "School of Synergy of Education and Spirituality: New Challenges, Trends and Opportunities" at: https://youtu.be/32SMg95WOjs