ISSUES 22(51) 2022Download the issue in full (PDF) CONTENT Andriy Borovyk, Oksana Dubinina. Pedagogical conditions for the formation of patriotic awareness of students of basic secondary education in the process of studying social sciences Olena Buriak. Educational electronic resources when working in distance format: features of implementation Nadiia Liubchenko. Soft skills and hard skills of the head of a general secondary education institution in the context of the competency approach in the post-graduate education of managers Kifayat Mammadova Rashid. Formation of behavioral culture of pre-school children in interactive phased physical culture exercises organized with sports-oriented didactic games Vasyl Ollo.Prevention of offenses by police officers against juvenile offenders Sabina Sadigova Oktay.The importance of environmental protection and the formation of ecological thinking among students Oleg Spirin, Tetiana Vakaliuk, Iryna Mintii, Svitlana Ivanova, Oleksandr Shimon. The technology of using the scientometric database Scopus for evaluating the effectiveness of pedagogical research Iryna Steshyts.Principles of pedagogical partnership in action – the key to constructive cooperation teacher-students-parents Boris Chyzhevskyi. Legislative requirements regarding the organization of state-civil management of institutions of general secondary education on the basis partnership interaction Ewelina Szlachta. Iluzja wolności w kłamstwie – wychowanie do poszanowania prawdy i odpowiedzialności za słowo