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BULLETIN OF POSTGRADUATE EDUCATION: Collection of Scientific papers  

«Educational Sciences Series»

covers current problems of general and vocational education. The results of researches on the history of pedagogy, methodology of education, theoretical and methodical aspects of teaching and education, formation of professional competencies of specialists in the field of education, improvement of the quality of education are presented

The journal is included in the "List of Scientific and Professional Publications of Ukraine". (Decree of MES Ukraine № 1643 from 28.12.2019) (Annex 4).

Founders: State Institution of Higher Education «University of Educational Management»

Founded: 2016

Registration of Print media entityDecision of the National Council of Television and Radio Broadcasting of Ukraine: Decision № 1328 from 25.04.2024

ISSN 3041-1831 (print), 3041-184X (online)

Previous ISSN 2218-7650

Media identifier: R30-05068

Address of the publication: str. Sichovyh Streltsiv, bldg. 52-a, Kyiv, 04053

The name of the printed media: "Bulletin of postgraduate education: collection of scientific works. "Pedagogical Sciences Series"

Type of printed media: collection of scientific papers

Periodicity of copies: 4 times a year

The territory of distribution of copies: the territory of Ukraine

How copies are distributed: free distribution

Language(s) of distribution: Ukrainian, English, Polish

UDC 378.091.046-021.68(082)

The Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine assigned category "B"

to the professional publication in the field of knowledge 01

Education/Pedagogy by specialties:

011 – Educational, pedagogical sciences

012 – Preschool education

013 – Primary education

014 – Secondary education (by subject specialties)

015 – Vocational education (by specialization)

016 – Special education



Edition is indexed: