ISSUES 18(47) 2021

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Oksana Abramova, Olha Puliak, Andriy Tereshchuk. Formation of soft skills in educators through the application of training technologies

Olena Bilonozhko. Criteria and indicators of development of lyceum teachers’ professional culture in the methodological work system

Mykola Kyrychenko, Tamara Sorochan, Lyubov Каrtashova, Larysa Оlifira. Professional development of teachers in the system of formal and non-formal postgraduate education during quarantine restrictions period

Inna Otamas, Lyudmyla Antonyuk. The concept of soft skills of educators in the dynamics of the educational process of vocational (vocational and technical) educational institutions in the digitalization conditions

Olena Otych. Professional development of scientific and pedagogical staff in the context of modern tendencies of modernization of the system of higher education of Ukraine

Larysa Sergeieva. Main aspects of accessibility development of the educational space of the institution of vocational education (according to the results of the pedagogical experiment)

Olga Sobolenko. Formation of ethical culture of future teachers in the process of professional training

Yevheniia Spуrуdonova. Didactic principles of management of formation of legal competence of bachelors of technical specialties in the conditions of college

Olga Chepka. Peculiarities of work of public organizations in the field of formation of inclusive educational policy in Ukraine and Canada

Svitlana Shtangei. Development of society of students in conditions inclusive education