ISSUES 6(35) 2018

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Elena Apostle. Immediative implementation as a component of master training in teachers in higher education

Oleksandr Bazeliuk. Digital culture of vocational education and training institutions’ teachers

Viktor Bereka. Competence formation of future manager of education as the main aim of modern educational policy

Natalia Golіa. To the problem of development of the creative potential of professional and technical education bodies of leaders

Anastasiia Denysova. The quality of advanced training of pedagogical workers of vocational education in the system of lifelong professional education

Soňa Kariková, Beata Kosová. Paradoxes in the implementation of psychological consulting for teachers in the slovak republic

Nataliia Klokar. An educational cluster as an alternative model of professional development of the heads of educational institutions

Galyna Lysenko. Training professionals for teaching in technical universities of Ukraine in 1920–1930's.

Mariola Mirowska. Prowadzenie indywidualnego przypadku a case management: analiza teoretyczna

Victoria Sydorenko. About the activity of the University of management of education on the implementation of the policy from reformation of education and implementation of the concept «New Ukrainian school»

Anna Timoshko. Pedagogical activity as a high factor of organizational culture of the education body manager

Vasyl' Fedorets. Development of the health preserving competence of a physical education teacher: pathopedagogical aspect

Elena Sholokh. Formation of moral‐spiritual values in professional preparation for future psychologists