Kolpakov V. M. Conceptual and technological bases of strategic thinking

The material in the article is the result of experimental studies vyposnennyh mainly in school prof. O. Anisimova. Research results izlogayutsya considering uncovered features of thinking and experience of other schools of thought developing technology development, particularly strategic. Experimentally vskryro 4 level (layer) thinking: dosemiotichesky, semiotic, logical and ontological.

These levels are interconnected, are the result of formation and development of a culture of thinking. The basis of the formation and development of thinking is the ability to use the method of mastering G. Gegelya — ascent from the abstract to the concrete (method psevdogeneticheskogo deployment abstractly represented object of study). In the transition from one level to the position of arbiter circuit used complex communication. Referee using logic «complement» and «clarify» synthesizes a new, more abstract (intrinsic) predicate, which allows you to «move» through the levels of the «pyramid of thinking».

In the transition from one level to the student needs to change qualitatively, passing «double negative». Need to move from one negation, when he abandons the old, to another denial when it is «attached» to a new, takes possession of him. Problematic feature of the development of thinking is the initial basis — using the ontology of understanding and reason. European civilization comes from the mind and this led her to a civilizational crisis. In an effort to «enter» in Europe, Ukraine, professing, in the majority, are reasonable grounds in life can produce profound spiritual crisis.

Preparing strategically minded professionals requires a change of educational forms, methods and technologies of development thinking. This in turn requires improving the educational paradigm, bringing it into line with the demands of time.

Proposed conceptual and technological basis for the development of thinking require testing under the education system of Ukraine, additional experimental studies.