Kravchinska T. S. Management motivation of professional activity of pedagogical workers: basic theoretical approaches

In this work we try to light up the extraordinarily actual topic connected with the theories of motivation of labour and their use in a management motivation of pedagogical workers educational establishments of education. We’ve analyzed theoretical foreign and domestic experience of motivation of professional activity of workers. Examining motivation of person’s professional activity it is necessary to understand that exactly motivation gives direction to achievement of aims and influences on energy which is mobilized for realization of this activity.

There is no unique scientific approach to determine the notion and content of motivation in scientific fields. The considered conceptions of motivation are characterized by two main directions: rich in content conceptions of motivation of labour, in which person’s internal motive (necessities) are induced to operate definitely, and judicial conceptions of motivation, which are based on person’s conduct in a group in accordance with his perception of reality, education, experience and conduct. According to the basis of theoretical analysis of scientific literature we’ve determined the main approaches to management motivation of professional activity of workers. Practical value of theories of motivation of labour is outlined and it is marked that the universal theory of motivation hasn’t still existed.

Most theories of motivation of activity lean on general factors which predetermine person’s conduct on the whole and in the field of management in particular. Each of theories of motivation is not perfect and absolutely acceptable to educational establishment, but separate recommendations have a practical value for the leader of establishment for construction of effective control system by motivation of professional activity of teachers. But the real effect at a management motivation of professional activity of pedagogical workers it is possible to attain leaning on main positions of the theories of motivation and synergistic approach taking into account the features of educational establishment and the specific of teachers’ work educational establishments of education.