Kutsenko V. I., Oliynyk V. V. Office of еducation — an important factor innovative economic development Ukraine

With the formation of a civilized market economy, the welfare of the population increases the demand for educational services. This demand necessitates the creation and development of teaching and material resources of the educational sector, bringing it into line with modern requirements.

This paper provides a list of authors who are engaged in research of these issues, including the management education system. This is especially important today, when actively expanding ties Ukrainian formation as with educational institutions, as well as increased accountability of higher education institutions for its development to the economy, the environment.

The authors emphasize that management should take into account the educational sphere embedded in it humanistic and pragmatic educational traditions that higher education takes the specific mission of becoming a catalyst for the knowledge society and the transition to innovative growth.

Particular attention is paid to the areas of management to provide quality education, a list of management education in Ukraine. It is emphasized that an important goal is to increase their active European integration process, especially in the context of the Bologna Declaration. This requires that the process of the educational process based on qualitatively new principles, methods and technologies. In this context, much attention is paid to the implementation of the article in the educational process of ICT.

Given the current state of the education market and the labor market, the authors focuses on the need to improve competitiveness ability of graduates, including through the organization of effective work with employers past.