Volzhentseva I. V. The teoretiko-methodological analysis of polyfunctional regulation of person' mental conditions by emotional-genics means

Extraordinarily actual problem of mental states regulation of students in the emotionally-painted season of educational activity emotionalgenic by methods for optimal reaction to stress is affected.

It is developed the new technology of polyfunctional regulation of mental states of the person emotional-genic by the methods, including soundcolor regulation presented by two integrated blocks of perceptual psychotherapy is offered: the block sound therapy (music, bio-sounds and binaural sounds) and the block colortherapy (colours (chromatic and achromatic), objects (connatural and framed by the person), graphic methods (the accurate and indistinct image).

The procedure of soundcolor is presented regulation which includes the scheme of polyfunctional regulation and technology of its realisation. It is selected three types of a program complex soundcolor regulation of the mental states: two mains — «Relaxation» and «Activization» and one auxiliary — «Neutralization». The essence of the offered types of program complexes and feature of their influence is opened. Objective and subjective criteria emotion-genic methods of mental conditions regulation which have allowed providing peak efficiency of programs influence are considered. The organization of soundcolor sessions regulations is opened. Demands to its application are presented.

Perspectives of the further workings out of polyfunctional regulation of emotionalgenic methods with the assistance of soundcolor and other program complexes is building of programs for representatives of different categories, depending on the place of habitation, from weather conditions taking into account age-related, gender features; considering of polyfunctional regulation problem in a medical direction.