Vronskaya V. N. Role of psychological training of nurses in preserving and strengthening the health of children

Reveals the relevance and the current state of research into the psychological competence.

Highlights the concept of competence and core competencies. The necessity of psychological training of nurses working in the educational establishment. This end, we work and think nurses preschools, substantiated relevance of the formation of psychological competence of nurses, highlighted the results of the pilot study (with interim results of the research team) and set pattern of influence psychological competence of nurses to maintain and strengthen the health of children.

In our view, the current education system is also adversely affects the health of children – causes fatigue, slow growth leads to exhaustion. Therefore, nurses who work in educational institutions should be in addition to professional, enjoy and psychological knowledge.

In our opinion, be more effective job of a nurse if she will understand the mental capabilities of the child and rational use this knowledge during practice. Cleverly will promote relationships with colleagues, children and their parents, and this can be achieved through the current psychological competence.

The results of research and found a pattern of influence psychological competence of nurses to maintain and strengthen the health of children.

Deals with the relationship between the formation of psychological competence and effectiveness of professional activities aimed at preserving and strengthening the health of children.

We believe that the psychological competence of nurses include the ability and willingness to cooperate in the execution of their professional duties. Formed psychological expertise will facilitate the optimal value and role of vocational and personal-emotional relationships, and use of psychotherapeutic techniques in pre-school. The development of psychological competence of nurses will lead to improvements in treatment and healing process, improve the efficiency of care.

In the experiment, we found that to be more effective job of a nurse if she will understand the age of the child opportunities, individual characteristics and efficiently use them during practice. Will be capable to establish interaction with colleagues, leadership, children and their parents. And this can be achieved if the computer generated psychological

Prospects for future research. It was found that the professional activities affect the personal development of nurses kindergarten. They are formed due to psychological competence lot of positive changes in the process of professionalization (observed individual style of activity, no professional deformation, high level of professionalism, etc.). In the future continue scientific research in health care. With a view to find out whether it concerns nursing care institution?