Dmytrenko He. A., Swolodkov V. T. The innovative methodology of modernisation for national education within the context of ecohuman-centrism ideology
Methodological base of the modernization of national system of education is grounded in the article in the context of internal and external calls. Investigated ecohumancentrizm and triad of methodological mutually related approaches which form the ideology of changes in the management of education. Defined the postgraduate education as the motive force of the innovation changes.
Today there isn’t practical using of synergistic, system, competency approaches in the quality of the methodological basis for modernization of the educational sphere. This is caused by the lack of integrated strategy of the development of the system of education which might define goals and final result of all educational establishments’ activity (preschool, school, professional, postgraduate) and institutions, basing on certain ideology of humanistic direction, ecohumancentrizm ideology. It gives us powerful momentum for realization of the triad of abovementioned approaches in the process of the national educational modernization as subsystem of the state administration in Ukraine, because clear strategy of the development of educational system is appearing in the direction for promotion for the self-development and self-fulfillment of the personality during life. Such promotion becomes the sense of mission for modern national system of education.
There are two types of showing the final result of postgraduate education establishments’ activity: mediated (through managers’ and specialists’ studying) and without indirectly in the studying process through the level of received students’ knowledge.
In such way we can ascertain that there are real possibilities for realization of the triad of methodological approaches for reasoning of modernization technologies of national education, that are: competency, system and synergistic.