Shalashova M. M. Professional development of teaching staff: current practices and the way of modernization
The article analyzes the problems of additional vocational training of teachers, conclusions about the need to modernize the system. The author examines the professional development of teachers in the light of the development of innovative educational system, changes the requirements for the results of the students and the conditions for achieving them.
Modern status Rossiyskogo education otlychaetsya Changes As uslovyy organization obrazovatelnoho process (electron Education Development, Introduction dystantsyonnыh technologies et al.), And so trebovanyy results for osvoenyya obrazovatelnoy program (kompetentnostnыy approach for otsenyvanyyu quality of educational dostyzhenyy). In this Data mezhdunarodnыh of research (TALIS, fund Mc-kinzi) svydetelstvuyut of volume, something sovremennoho Quality Education before a Direct dependence from urovnja Professional competence pedahohov. Professional Development teacher happening in the process of formal (kursovaya Preparation) and informal (Experience exchange in master classes, conference, and others.) Education. Opportunity informal education (samoobrazovanyya) with kazhdim hodom uvelychyvayutsya at the expense of otkrыtыh of educational resources.
Key words: continuing professional education, formal and non-formal education, multi-vector model of teacher professional development, program variability, form the network implementation.