Sydanych I. L. Humanization of children spiritual and moral education in the national school: contribution v. Sukhomlynsky's
The main ideas of spiritual and moral education of children in the national school of the twentieth century. embodied and developed in educational theory and practice, outstanding scientist and humanist V. Sukhomlinsky. Philosophy fusion of the spiritual man became the basis of Ukrainian science teacher education and training of young generation, and it's value basis for pedagogical creativity.
Program of educational work in school, according to scientists, is to disclose a schoolboy spiritual and moral ideal that treasury of spiritual values in society is the criterion of spiritual and moral education. Spiritual and moral heritage society to which the teacher engages students become individual achievement of each. V. Sukhomlinsky theoretically grounded and practically implemented effective model of spiritual and moral development of personality. Central to the teacher to determine and implement the content and methods of optimal forms of spiritual and moral education of children in school.
Scientists have linked the spiritual and moral education of the person with her mental development as spiritual and moral education, which by its nature is emotional evaluation, always combine cognitive component.
Spiritual and moral education of children on the ideas of V. Sukhomlinsky – is the embodiment of his teaching attitudes, beliefs, perceptions of human relationships, actions, behavior; this transfer of intellectual, moral, aesthetic wealth of native people from the teacher to the student on the basis of humanity through reconciliation inner world of the child with the ideals of the spiritual culture of past generations V. Sukhomlinsky fill the new meaning of "man". Defended doctrine lyudynolyubnosti in search of their creative principles of humane education and upbringing of children. Creative progressive implementation of Ukrainian educators ideas of humanistic pedagogy V. Sukhomlynsky in educational activities – the key to lasting and fruitful formation of spiritual and moral education of youth in the national school of the XXI century.
The scientist-teacher characterized important norms of morality, such as: fostering a good, truth, honor, spiritual beauty, dignity and valor; the creation of good deeds, deeds; resistance to evil, lies, dishonor, ugliness; exposing the moral bezhrebetnosti, unscrupulousness, selfishness, opportunism. Mastering student moral requirements, rules V. Sukhomlinsky. Morse called self-knowledge and self-pet spiritual development.