ISSUES 24 (53) 2023

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Andriy Borovyk, Oksana Dubinina. Formation of research competence of the future history teacher in the process of professional training

BurlaienkoTetiana, Dubinina OksanaPiotr MagierPięć kroków przeciw bullyingowych (doświadczenie Ukrainy): «step by step – razem do sukcesu!»

Petro Hrabovskyi. Algorithm for selecting a digital application of videoconference communication for the implementation of improving the qualifications of teachers by distance education

Eugene Іvanchenko, Nataliia Bilonozhko. Technology for assessing the quality of educational activities in an institution of higher military education

Vadym Kirman, Yevheniia Kocherha, Olena Romanets, Hanna Chaus. The research of the integrated courses teachers subject level competence in the natural science education

Valentyna Kushnir, Iya Kaminskya, Maryna Starchenko. Linguistic competence is the key to the development of «soft skills» of future physicians

Nadiia Liubchenko. Project «Professional cluster of the manager (director) of the general education institution» in the context of the New Ukrainian school concept implementation

Oksana Muliar, Nina Vasylenko. Didactic aspects of using the interactive whiteboard Рadlet in the process of teaching history in general secondary education

Larysa Petrenko. Digital security in professional activities of future teachers of pedagogical institutions of higher education: regulatory and legal aspect

Shahla Suleymanova. The role and importance of didactic games in the formation and development of students' artistic creative abilities

Iryna Topchiieva, Xu Qing. Ethnocultural concept of conducting and choral training of future teachers of musical art at the faculties of arts

Vasyl Fedorets, Oleksandr Sharyhin, Oksana Klochko. Development of pedagogical strategies for using reverse engineering in the process of training future specialists in the field of information technology

Tahira Khasmammadova. The use of cognitive reading strategy in teaching english

Boris Chyzhevskyi. Legislative regulation of the participation of social (public) organizations in the state and public management of general secondary education institutions

Olena Shulgina. Pedagogical conditions for the legal culture development of educators of the state employment service