Bondarchuk O. І. Psychological features of interaction of heads of educational institutions in virtual educational space at postgraduate pedagogical training

The article studies the exposition of the psychological features of interaction of heads of educational institutions in virtual educational space.

The advantages and psychological problems of such interaction at postgraduate pedagogical training are analyzed. The advantages of the interaction include: 1) the expansion of human capabilities in communication and interaction; 2) the possibility of varying both asynchronous and synchronous communication, the implementation of own navigation as a prerequisite for manifestation of subjective activity of the person; 3) partnership and self-realization through alignment users in status, the possibility of building a virtual personality etс.

The psychological problems of interaction include: 1) limitations of sensory experience, the inability to provide the full «presence effect»; 2) overloading of some sources of individual psychological assessment as a partner for cooperation and "the failure to involve" other (for example, an excess of visual images and the lack of non-verbal signs its entirety); 3) difficulties in the implementation of non-verbal communication; 4) threat of authentic self-identity etс.

According to this it is concluded that management of the interaction in a virtual learning environment involves a specially organized social influence on the managers to the professional development of their personality, above all, creativity, self-management and self-development.

Based on this, the author presents the principles of management: personal orientation of communication; problematic; interactivity; reflexivity; reliance on professional management experience; intensification of social and psychological mechanisms of personal development (identification, empathy, etc.).

In further studies it is possible to analyze the psychological specificity of distance learning, training of teachers of postgraduate education to ensure subject -subject interaction etc.